The pictures, the whole pictures and nothing but the pictures!

Worked Photographs

Nearly all photographs are worked on in some way to enhance them, correct technical faults and improve them while retaining the "photographness" of them. These are some I have worked on to move away from that to some extent or other.
Kaleidoscopic Composition 1

Kaleidoscopic Composition 1

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Cheeky Bollard

Cheeky Bollard

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Composition In Pink And Black (nº 42)

Composition In Pink And Black (nº 42)

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Composition 1

Composition 1

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Reflection #1

Reflection #1

Not through glass, but bounced off sealed-unit double glazing. The curvature of the glass due to pressure differential inside and outside the unit makes it curve, distorting the reflection.

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Stormy Night

Stormy Night

Taken from indoors, the double glazing creates a double exposure effect.

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Dapple #1

Dapple #1

First in a series of 'through-the-glass' pictures, looking at how seeing through glass affects what we see.

Dimensions (H x W, picture excluding frame/mount): 30cm x 40cm

unframed: £35.00
framed: £85.00

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